Let’s hang out!
“I remember back, back in school, when I wasn’t cool.
Shit, I still ain’t cool, but you better make some room for me.
I’m comin’ through with my crew at the rendezvous.”
— Lizzo
This website may not be where all the cool kids hang out, but it’s where we warriors convene. An Unwhelming membership gives you access to my top-secret lair—just kidding, I don’t have a lair. Yet.
If you want some unwhelming help but aren’t ready to commit to a 1:1 coaching agreement, we can help. One way we can support you is through an Unwhelming Membership. Our free membership, Coach Yo’Self, is where you’ll find a bunch of juicy stuff, and our paid membership, Get Coached, is a little bit more help without a big commitment.
Both memberships give you access to all the goods and extra help to get you unwhelmed and help you stay that way. You’ll get practical, useful tools to help you assess, analyze, and systematize All The Things (now doesn’t that sound sexy?!), video help, and resources to support the journey to your dreams. You also get all of our Unwhelminars - a series of weekly webinars featuring badass subject matter experts who understand the experience of being a woman in business, and these ladies are killin’ it. With a membership, you can watch or listen at any time.
All Unwhelm Coaching clients will receive a free Get Coached membership for the duration of their contract and a discount for their initial paid period.
Coach Yo’self
For access to a bunch of free ish from Unwhelm Coaching, sign up for a free account or log in here!
That’s right; I said free. These are four of my favorite letters in the English language. This membership is for you if you’re not sure Unwhelm Coaching is the Boo for you, if you’re strapped for cash, or if you just wanna hang with the cool kids. Here’s what you’ll get:
Fun level free goodies for you:
Unwhelminars: Register here to attend live or browse the library for the stuff that matters to you.
Unwhelements: So many cool free or low-cost offerings from Unwhelm Coaching and our partners. Fab downloadable and fillable goodies for you! From meeting agenda templates that will ensure you never attend another useless meeting to weekly time trackers that make sense, these are the nuts and bolts of running your business so it doesn’t run you.
Unwhelm Directory: Hype women: we love to have ‘em and we love to be ‘em. These are the women who flip our lids, float our boats, and make our hearts sing! Browse through for referrals or inspo.
Early Access to Offerings.
Book Discount Code.
Journal Prompts.
News and Notes: Be the first to hear about upcoming classes, events, and exciting happenings. It’s like a nerd alert in your inbox!
Join the Community
You can start here if you’re unsure where to start or want a little help. This level of membership gives you some extra boosts, including all of the benefits of free membership plus the REAL magic: a collaborative cohort of like-minded, like-souled women you can turn to for support, referrals, or just conversation. And even better, Unwhelm Coaching can match you with an Accountabilibuddy for a peer mentoring relationship with built-in guidance and bounds.
All standalone mini-courses free of charge, a $50-200 value.
Book Club membership.
One-hour of one-on-one coaching each month.
Accountabilibuddy matchmaking and training, including tools for meaningful support, partnership norms, check-in agendas, and a bank of questions to start your relationship right.
Invitation to a monthly group coaching call where the Unwhelm experts answer questions from YOU, our beloved clients, and friends.
Plus all the free stuff.
*Sign up for the free shit, so you know when this extra-juicy goodness is ready!