Unwhelming Strategic Planning: Vision for heart-centered planning
Katie Christianson,
Chief Visionary and Head Bitch in Charge
Katie Christianson is founder, owner, chief visionary, and Head Bitch in Charge of Unwhelm Coaching. She believes fiercely that women supporting women is the key to healing almost anything and everything. Based in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico, Katie shares her office with her husband, novelist Joe Cooke and her furry officemate Peter Brady, the New Mexico mutt. The humans enjoy skiing, motorcycle riding, and playing music. Peter enjoys corn.
Your business vision is the ting that keeps you going. Your ideal vision statement will be strong, aspirational, and from your heart. It will be grounded in your values, aligned with your mission, and keep you focused on your long-term goals. Join Katie Christianson, Chief Visionary and Head Bitch in Charge at Unwhelm Coaching, for a look at vision statements (see what I did there?).